For the love
This blank blog post has been in my drafts for months. It’s dated February 9, 2020. That happens to be a loved one’s birthday, but this isn’t about them.
At one point, I actually wrote a line or two, it seems.
“I paused for several moments, confused as to what sewing project this post was supposed to cover.”
I woke this morning with a start. It’s Mother’s Day. The thought that caused me to sit straight up, eyes wide open, was that I had slept last night on a new pillowcase. A floral one. That likely had geraniums on it.
This particular Liberty of London fabric had surprised me before. I purchased it for its wide range of delicate, intricately detailed blooms.
But it wasn’t until I saw a shirt sewn up by a friend that I noticed the sativa amongst the other blooms.
For whatever the reason, I hadn’t yet picked a project for this fabric. Until yesterday.
So I awoke today, on Mother’s Day, suddenly wondering if another flower had gone unnoticed by me.
Mom passed in 2016. Red geraniums had since become a symbol of mom. She planted them every year in the garden beds in the front yard, along with marigolds.
Last year, after much thought, I chose a spot on my left arm for a constant reminder.
Tattoo by Meg
And earlier this year, had mom’s sewing machine added.
I’m not convinced any of these are geraniums (admittedly the petals aren’t quite right on my own), but several are quite close.
I had been kicking myself for not getting a geranium for the yard yet. Pandemics. Snow. Excuses.
I may not be religious in the modern, organized religion way, but I believe in the greater good and a harmonious universe much more complex and wonderful than we can comprehend.
I’d like to think mom is never very far away.
Extra credit reading: Ask a Physicist to Speak at Your Funeral.
four generations
mom and me, likely 1981
mom holding my first born, shortly after my own first mother’s day