Studio Tour
I spruced the place up so you could have a peek inside. I guarantee it will never look this good again, because making is mayhem. Anyone who does any kind of crafting can attest to that.
Sew anyway!
We moved into this home about 6 months ago. I quickly claimed the mostly finished attic as my sewing space. The floor was in pretty awful shape and the color of granny panties. (You know the color.) Picking paint colors is a somewhat painful process for me. But I already had one of those lovely rolling craft carts from that Swedish furniture place in a light shade of teal. Boom. Decision made and the floor was painted craft cart blue.
Those open shelves were already there and are perfect for supplies. I added 2 of those simple desks (one for the sewing machine and one for the serger) with open shelves for some storage opportunities, but my gosh! I have no drawers to speak of. Love the barn wood!
Cutting zone
Opposite the sewing side is the cutting side. (We're sort of moving backwards, process-wise, but oh well!) If you could look out the window, you'd see the tiny little town of Marrieta right at the confluence of the Muskingum River with the Ohio. My cutting table is actually our old dining table, so it's a bit low for the back, but nice and long. Perfect for clutter which has been removed for your viewing pleasure.
Here's a few more scenes. It's a all coming together. I just need some more wire baskets for stashing things so I'll forget about them and buy more things.
There's actually a whole other division to the attic space. It's mostly a place to store our off-season clothing (old house = tiny closets), but it's also where mom's machine hangs out.
There's the ironing zone (not pictured) which is entirely un-glamorous. Who wants to see my scorched ironing board cover anyway? Is it even possible to have one that doesn't end up looking like toast?
What you also haven't seen yet is my fabric stash. I have literal bucket loads. Fabric lust and hoarding is a serious thing, y'all. The sewers know what I'm talking about and the rest of you might keel over if I showed you.
I think that's about it. Leave me a comment if you swung by for the tour. I'd love to know if you had any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks!